(NB. This press release dates back to September 2000 - the latest DialUp was released in Jan 2001 [at time of writing - Jan 2001]!) R-Comp's DialUp internet connection software has now been around for a few weeks, and is already receiving extremely positive feedback from users (see below for some user comments). The software makes getting onto the internet a breeze, being simple to set up, and extremely easy to use. DialUp 1.45 was released recently, and works happily with all the internet providers we have tested it with, including (in no particular order): Demon FreeUK FreeServe Red Hot Ant NTLworld UKOnline BTinternet Tesco Net UK Gateway Supanet NDirect Zetnet TeleDanmark LineOne TeleWest BlueYonder The software will happily make use of the connection scripts which most internet providers generate for their Windows customers, making setting up your RISC OS machine for new providers extremely straightforward. Of course, files for a selection of common providers are included with DialUp, if you already have an internet account. Below, you'll find a list of Questions and Answers which should give you more information about the features of DialUp. Pricing ------- There has been some confusion over the pricing and availability of DialUp. We hope the figures below clarify things a little. The basic price of DialUp is 20ukp, but this is reduced if you already own various R-Comp products (in other words, product loyalty gives you a discount): 20ukp for customers without either WebsterXL or Messenger Pro 15ukp for customers who own Messenger Pro only 10ukp for customers who already own WebsterXL Note that WXL has always been supplied with connection software, hence the lower price for WebsterXL owners. WXL owners are actually joining our "Priority Support Scheme", which also gives them interim (beta) versions of the browser, and additional input into future developments. Please note that we are happy for you to claim the above discounts if you purchase the related product at the same time. We expect to release a full "R-Comp Internet Suite" consisting of DialUp, WebsterXL and Messenger Pro in time for the Epsom show in October. Price is expected to be not more than 60ukp, including a FreeUK internet account if required. Internet connection packs consisting of DialUp, WXL, Mpro, a 56k V90 modem and a FreeUK internet account are available for 115ukp inc VAT and UK delivery. We regret that the modems are UK varieties, and hence probably not suitable for overseas. Hardware/Software Requirements ------------------------------ DialUp requires that you have a modem connected to your computer, preferably 28.8kb or higher, although older modems will probably be OK, too. R-Comp Interactive supply 56k V90 modems for 60ukp inc. Ideally, your computer will be running RISC OS 4 - most R-Comp products are now "enhanced" for OS 4, but run just fine on older systems too. In the case of DialUp, we recommend that users of older OS versions be running the "New Boot Sequence" which Acorn released a couple of years back. It has been included on several Acorn User CDs in recent times, particularly the 200th issue. Users have reported successfully running DialUp on machines as old as the A30xx series with the New Boot Sequence installed. Features/FAQ ------------ Rather than just list a series of meaningless features, we felt it would be prudent to present this information in a Question/ Answer format. 1) If I choose DialUp, what else do I need to do Internet "stuff"? The simple answer is an Email reader such as our Messenger Pro product (or Pluto etc.), and a web browser such as our WebsterXL browser. DialUp includes email/news transfer software, and also the popular FTPc file uploader/downloader. (Credit to Joeseph and Colin). 2) I have heard that other programs require extra bits, which may be commercial/shareware before connection can take place. Does DialUp require any extras? Apart from the Web Browser and Email packages mentioned above, DialUp is complete in and of itself. It can be extended with other pd/commercial apps if required, but everything you need to connect is supplied. (Exception being "New Boot Sequence" - see above). 3) What is DialUp "like"? Which other products does it compare with? There's nothing quite like DialUp, because the package does a great deal, whilst wrapping it up in such easy-to-use "clothing". Programs like the connection part of ANT's internet suite, or Socketeer or ArmTCP are in some ways comparable, but DialUp provides an easier-to-use superset of these. Perhaps the closest relative is ANT's !InetSuite connection software, but again, DialUp extends this with support for multiple internet providers (easily switch between free and commercial ISPs, or between daytime/evening numbers). Then add on support for Windows connection files, and the fact that it uses the proper in-built networking (Internet 5) so it won't mess with your network. 4) Does DialUp allow me to use multiple providers? Can I use it to access free providers such as NTLworld, but still have access to my FreeServe/Demon etc. account? Yes. DialUp allows you to set up many different accounts, and simply access them via a menu. We currently have around 12 different accounts on our menu here! Regardless of which one you connect to, the software will attempt to fetch mail from as many accounts as possible, allowing you to connect to a totally free provider, but still receive mail from a different account which you'd normally pay for. 5) Does DialUp automatically configure mail and news fetching for me? Yes. DialUp ships with PopStar and Newshound, and both of these are automatically set up. In addition, you can add extra email boxes, or alter existing ones via a simple window. 6) Can I use Browse/Fresco/Oregano with DialUp? Yes. Yes. Yes. 7) Can I use Pluto with DialUp? Yes, but we can't offer any support for this. That isn't us being awkward, we've just never used Pluto! A number of our customers have reported Pluto running successfully with DialUp. 8) Can I use Marcel or Acorn's !Mail with DialUp? No. Both of these products are tied directly into their "parent" connection products, and both have (to our knowledge) ceased all form of development. Since neither is particularly outstanding compared with Messenger Pro or Pluto, we do not consider this a great loss. 9) I'm currently using Acornet. Can I upgrade and still have access to all my old mail etc. Yes. Although this is beyond the scope of this FAQ, you'll need to rescue !NewsDir from inside Acornet and put it in !Boot.Resources (or somewhere else that your computer "sees"). 10) What would you say is DialUp's most exciting feature? Probably the ease with which you can get set up and online. DialUp is also fast, elegant and versatile. 11) Are there any providers which are consitantly failing to work? Not to our knowledge. At the time of writing, one customer in Pakistan is having problems browsing the web with his work account (we suspect a resolving problem) but his home one is fine. Inevitably there will be something we haven't anticipated! [it was a mistyped DNS server, as suspected - cured between writing this and posting it!] 12) Does is tell me the correct modem connection speed? Will it work OK with *my* modem? DialUp should give sensible connection speeds on most modems. DialUp is being used with all manner of modems ranging from old US Robotics Sportsters through the latest 3Com varieties to Zoom, Dynalink, Hayes etc. It has been tested with the latest Rockwell and Lucent modem chipsets, used by the majority of manufacturers. 13) Does DialUp support dynamic DNS assignment? There's always one techy question!!! No, but it does include a default public DNS server which should allow successful operation even if your provider won't give you this information. ** This has not been a problem thus far. 14) Will DialUp take down my local network? No. DialUp works with the standard Internet 5 stack, which your network card will work with too. 15) Is DialUp pd/shareware. Can you send me a free copy? No. We've spent a long time working on the software, and offer full tech support. We've tried to keep the price as low as possible, especially to existing R-Comp customers. 16) I currently use ANT (or similar) - why should I change? This is really down to what you want to do. If you're completely happy with your current software, and don't find it restricting in any way, then you should probably stick with what you have. If, however, you want to do things like easily switching between different internet accounts, work with some "troublesome" ISPs like NTLworld, easily set up and add new connections, or use a program which is being updated and developed, then DialUp would be a good choice. That's not to say that you can't/shouldn't use other programs, and the freeware programs like Socketeer and ArmTCP may also fit the bill, but getting going with DialUp is likely to be quicker and easier. 17) Can other programs trigger connections "on demand"? Yes, but you'll always be warned before connection takes place. The latest version of WebsterXL talks to DialUp so that it is quite possible to click on a web link in Messenger Pro, have WXL load, attempt to fetch the page, then establish a connection, and display the page. All with two mouse clicks (one on the link in the first place, and another to confirm you want to go online). Also, DialUp allows you to set up "Tasks", which can require an active internet connection. If you are offline when you choose to run one of these, DialUp will ask you if you want to go online. Finally, the protocols for triggering a connection are very straightforward, and are documented for programmers. 18) Do I have to mess with the Network settings for my computer? I have tried to set other programs up that needed this, and have not been successful. DialUp doesn't require any alteration of your network settings. Indeed, if you're not on a network (don't have a network card) we recommend simply disabling networking altogether, and letting DialUp set everything up it needs automatically. The aim of the program is to make connection as easy as possible, and to make it "self contained". As such, leaving DialUp to look after itself is usually the best bet. User comments and Feedback -------------------------- "Absolutely Fantastic" "It is so easy!" "I used to recommend that people try XXXXX but now I will recommend this [DialUp] app" "I can honestly say that !DialUp is the best thing to have arrived on my desktop for a long time" "It worked first time!" "My primary internet is !DialUp because with XXXX multiple ISPs is a pain in the ^&^*$ " "It may be my imagination, but it seems to work much faster [than my previous connection software]" "Congratulations on a super little app!" "The dialer seems really good" "This [dialup] should be supplied with all new computers..." (note it is now supplied with RiscStation internet packs).